Woods & Rendezvous

Photography Now & Then #131

Looking to the north – as in this photo – or east from our home, one might think that we live in a forest.  Ozark National Forest is just a short drive from us, a little over 5 miles as the crow flies, but we certainly don’t live in the forest.  This part of Arkansas is very hilly – we live at about 850 feet above sea level on the long crest of a hill that runs east and west, with the Arkansas River 10 miles south of us over 500 feet lower – and very green, with a lot of trees.  The woods behind our house stretch for about 1/4 mile and, then, it’s pasture for about the same distance before more woods. There are three residences on the left going through the trees. The woods on the east go about 300 feet to our nearest neighbor’s property.

Woods and sky, west-central Arkansas, May 12, 2018 (Apple iPhone 6s)

Now: Woods and sky, west-central Arkansas, May 12, 2018 (Apple iPhone 6s)


We’ve taken the tram from Teton Village to the top of Rendezvous Mountain three times over the years.  Situated at 10,455 feet, it is usually quite chilly, even in the summer.  We’ve always dressed for the cooler temperatures and “marveled” at those who get the top in comfortable summer attire and rush to Corbet’s Cabin for a warm drink and to get out f the wind.

Rendezvous Mountain looking north, Grand Teton peak on right, above Teton Village, Wyoming, July 19, 2010 (Composite of three Pentax K10D photos using AutoStitch)

Then: Rendezvous Mountain looking north, Grand Teton peak on right, above Teton Village, Wyoming, July 19, 2010 (Composite of three Pentax K10D photos using AutoStitch)

Rendezvous Mountain is a large mountain massif located in the southern Teton Range in Wyoming.  Grand Teton peak is almost exactly 10 miles a little east of north from the tram terminal.

The tram we first rode operated from 1966 to 2005.  The current tram was placed in service in December 2008.

Photography Now & Then Notes:

  • Series Photos
    • The Now photo is one that is almost always taken the day of the blog post.  In some instances, posts may be backdated if internet access is not available on the day of the photo or other reasons prevent posting Photography Now and Then.
    • The Then photo is usually a randomly selected older photograph from a batch of photos specifically “curated” for Photography Now and Then.
  • Each photo in this series is an “original work” – a copyright term – of Michael Goad.
  • Reference links were accessed on the date the blog post was published, unless otherwise stated.
  • The title convention for Photography Now & Then blog posts evolved early on from one word related to each photo separated by “&” to usually being the first word in the caption description for each photo.

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