Royalty-free images by Mike1 — No. 80 of over 1200 images

West-Central Arkansas, February 10, 2011
For parts of Arkansas, a February 2011 snowstorm was a record-setting weather event.
Northwest Arkansas has topped the 24 hour snowfall record, the single storm snowfall record, and the seasonal snowfall record for at least the last 70 years. In northern Benton and Carroll County the snowstorm of March 10-12, 1968 and the 1967-68 seasonal snow totals still rival this storm and there were a couple other years in the 1910s that we believe may compare as well. Otherwise, this one takes the cake. To top it off, low temperatures just shattered all-time records a day after the storm.(40/29 TV Weather Blog, Thursday, February 10th, 2011)
We don’t often get snow. Some years, we don’t get any at all, though usually, we get at least enough to say we had some.
Then there are occasional years where we get a nice snowstorm with that leave us with scenes of nearly pristine snow.
While I can recall larger storm totals of from 6 inches to around 2 feet over the 40 years that we’ve lived in Arkansas, snow generally doesn’t last for more than a few days. Most snowstorms leave just enough to cover the grass and then, when the sun comes out, most of it is quickly gone except in the shadows on the north sides of buildings and stands of trees. Sometimes when we get snow, the town just down the road and a bit lower in elevation won’t have any at all or, if they do, the city about 7 miles further south and lower in the valley doesn’t.
We’ve even had a few years where much of the ground cover that normally browns is green almost the entire winter season!
- I am sharing some of my public domain images in periodic blog posts.
- This image is also shared as public domain on Pixabay and Flickr as “Winter in the Ozarks.”
- Images are being shared in the sequence they were accepted by Pixabay, royalty-free image sharing site.
- Only images specifically identified as such are public domain or creative commons on our pages.
- All other images are copyright protected by me, creative commons, or used under the provisions of fair use.