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  • Jodi Gruentzel Nov 8, 2017 @ 11:21

    Hi. I love your art and was wondering if you do custom work. My daughtwe and son in law have a specific Rialta that they love and I would love to have your rendition of it. If I send you a picture of it can you do this? I would like it be for Christmas. Also my son and daughter in law have a bread truck converted to a camper and was wondering if you could do this also. Thanks for your help. I love your work!

    • Mike Nov 8, 2017 @ 14:01

      Actually, it’s not my work. The artist is Ohio artist Richard Neuman who sells some of his work through Zazzle, which is what I’ve linked to. His page at Zazzle is . You may be able to find some way of contacting him there.

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