Trailer camp opposite United Aircraft where many Pratt and Whitney workers live with their families because of housing congestion in and near Hartford, Connecticut
Housing for War Workers
Monthly Labor Review
June 1942
THE war housing program was started in the summer of 1940 to provide adequate shelter in areas of rapidly expanding war activities for the thousands of incoming workers in war industries and for families of enlisted men in the Army and Navy. By May 1942 more than $1,334,000,000 had been authorized for Federally financed homes for war workers. The public program on May 1 called for 322,700 regular family-dwelling units, 18,100 trailers, and portable houses, and 98,200 dormitory units in Federal projects in 43 States and the District of Columbia. This included some units for which funds were not yet available. Approximately half of the units were under construction contract or completed in May.