Vintage Texas Playground

Royalty-free images by Mike1 — No. 106 of over 1200 images

Vintage Texas Playground, Texas State Railroad Park, Palestine, Texas, January 25, 2007
Vintage Texas Playground, Texas State Railroad Park, Palestine, Texas, January 25, 2007

Playground Slide2

Playground slides are found in parks, schools, playgrounds and backyards. The slide is an example of the simple machine known as the inclined plane, which makes moving objects up and down easier, or in this case more fun. The slide may be flat, or half cylindrical or tubular to prevent falls. Slides are usually constructed of plastic or metal and they have a smooth surface that is either straight or wavy. The user, typically a child, climbs to the top of the slide via a ladder or stairs and sits down on the top of the slide and slides down the chute.

In Australia, the playground slide is known as a slide, slippery slide, slipper slide or slippery dip depending on the region. Sliding pond or sliding pon (a corruption of “slide upon”) is a term used in the New York City area, whereas sliding board is used in the Philadelphia area and other parts of the Mid-Atlantic.
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  1. I am sharing some of my public domain images in periodic blog posts.
  2. Playground slide – Wikipedia


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