Travel Journal, June 2007 — Clarksville, Missouri


Note: This “lost” Haw Creek Out ‘n About post was recovered from the Internet Archive WayBack Machine.

On June 7th and 8th, we stayed at the campground at Tievoli Hills Resort, near Clarksville, Missouri. From the time that we left Springfield, Missouri, until we got to the Mississippi River, we fought the wind. All across the state, the radio stations broadcast wind advisories from the National Weather Service. We arrived at the campground around 4 in the afternoon and, after setting up and relaxing for a bit, drove north up to Louisiana, Missouri. I wanted to drive across the bridge over the Mississippi to see what it was like — and it was pretty darn narrow for hauling a high profile, 32 foot fiver over, especially on our very first extended trip and after we had an accident on our last trip. After going across, we decided that we would make an early departure when we left, in the hopes that there wouldn’t be any significant traffic on a Saturday morning. After that, we stopped at an old Dairy Queen for burgers and fries and did a little driving around Louisiana and Clarksville. The following day we went back to both towns, walked around a bit and took some photos. It’s a little late right now, so I’ll be adding more information about the area later and adding photo galleries to the site here. The glassblower in the photo is one of several artisans in Clarksville that we talked to and watched while they worked. More later!

Note: This “lost” Haw Creek Out ‘n About post was recovered from the Internet Archive WayBack Machine.

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