Travel Day

Travel Day — September 7, 2009
We had intended to travel a relatively short distance on Labor Day and camp in the mountains south of Glenwood Springs. A few days before, though, we changed our minds and decided that we wanted to travel a little further and camp near Ouray, Colorado.

Ouray is one of our favorites. A small mountain town, it has escaped most of the commercialization that many Colorado towns have experienced, yet tourism has helped keep it from withering away as has happened to many other old Colorado mining towns. Ouray is situated in a small valley and is surrounded closely by high mountains.

Our trip for the day took us along the foothills through Boulder, but west of Denver, to I70, then across the state to US 50 South out of Grand Junction and then US 550 to Ouray.

I took a few photos at stops along the way, but, unfortunately, I wasn’t paying attention to the camera settings and they didn’t turn out. Karen took a few pictures as we were moving down the road and I’ve included three of them below.


(click on any of the following photos to view a larger image.)

Rocky Mountain National Park
Along I70 east of Grand Junction
Along I70 east of Grand Junction


House and yard atop a barren hill

House and yard atop a barren hill


Approaching the San Juan Mountains
Approaching the San Juan Mountains


Ouray, Colorado

Ouray, Colorado


Commentary and images from the road

image and information from September 7, 2009

This post is being simultaneously published
on Exit78 and Haw Creek Out ‘n About

<h4 style=”text-align: right;”>Commentary and images from the road</h4>
<p style=”text-align: right;”>image and information from September 7, 2009</p><p style=”text-align: right;”><em>This post is being simultaneously published
on <a title=”Exit78 blog” href=”” target=”_blank”>Exit78</a> and <a title=”Haw Creek Out ‘n About” href=”“>Haw Creek Out ‘n About</a></em>

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  • Donna Oct 17, 2009 @ 9:54

    Beautiful pictures Mike… Loved them! Where are you at now? We are back in Barling near Fort Smith at the COE park. Have a great weekend!

    Travel Safe
    .-= Donna´s last blog ..~~~ Rain Rain go Away ~~~ =-.

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