There’s nothing wrong with the roof

Post-processing #20 |

Roof of General Store, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, October 8, 2015 (Pentax K-3 II) 37°37'55.3"N 112°09'54.6"W

Roof of General Store, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, October 8, 2015 (Pentax K-3 II) 37°37’55.3″N 112°09’54.6″W

Bryce Canyon General Store2

The General Store is open in April thru October.  The National Park Service and Forever Resorts have gone to great lengths to maintain this and other Bryce Canyon Lodge buildings so they appear as they did when they first opened for business in 1925.  Designed by Gilbert Stanley Underwood, these buildings are his only surviving architectural creations on the Colorado Plateau.

Notice the wavy pattern in the roof? This optical illusion is created by cutting each shingle uniquely.  This was another part of Underwood’s plan to help the buildings blend in with the forest of wavy pines.

  1. Post-processing – Image editing to enhance the photo closer to what the eye “saw.” Images in this series are selected within a day or so of being edited and are either posted at the time or scheduled for posting at a later date.
  2. National Park Service informational sign

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