That is Nuts

Misc RV video #1

As Karen said after she watched it, “That is nuts!”

From the description at YouTube:

after passing the CLEAR sign, no trailers, rvs pass this point,,,, this old man drove his trailer into the windiest road ive been on… he passed through a tunnel where he tore off his accessories and now hes stuck on the side of the road and no one can get by,,, everyone got together and using bits of knowledge, experience and tools from each of these guys,, they finally pulled it off!!!!

This occurred on a road that we are somewhat familiar with, Iron Mountain Road, near South Dakota’s Custer State Park.  We’ve been over the road at least 4 times, with the first back in the late 80s. There are several unique features on the road, including wooden structures, called pigtail bridges, and one lane tunnels that were built to showcase the American patriotic symbol, Mt. Rushmore. The pigtail bridges are built on tight loops in the road where the road crosses over itself on the bridge.  One of those loops is seen in the video above and is just after one of the tunnels that the driver drug his fifth wheel camper through, tearing off his front air conditioner and the awning over the camper’s entry door.  The following video shows a great example of one of the very narrow and low clearance tunnels on the route.  Our motorhome would fit through it, but it would only have inches to spare and I wouldn’t risk it.

Video: Old man drives his trailer into a narrow winding “small cars only” road and gets stuck

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