Thai Garden Elephant

Royalty-free images by Mike1 — No. 84 of over 1200 images

Thai Garden Elephant, Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison, Wisconsin, September 20, 2012
Thai Garden Elephant, Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison, Wisconsin, September 20, 2012

Olbrich Botanical Gardens:

The Thai Garden surrounding the Pavilion emulates a lush, tropical garden with Wisconsin-hardy plants. Ornamental grasses, some reaching up to 12 feet tall, and several hardy bamboos are essential in creating a tropical look. Large-leafed shrubs and trees are pruned to give them the look of plants in a typical Thai garden.

Glazed water jars and clipped tree art called mai dat, are both common elements of Thai gardens. Mai dat is a traditional horticulture feature in Thai gardens that has been practiced since the 13th century. Olbrich uses large Chinese junipers for the clipped tree art.

  1. I am sharing some of my public domain images in periodic blog posts.
  • This image is also shared as public domain on Pixabay and Flickr as “Thai Garden Elephant.”
  • Images are being shared in the sequence they were accepted by Pixabay, a royalty-free image sharing site.
  • Only images specifically identified as such are public domain or creative commons on our pages.
  • All other images are copyright protected by me, creative commons, or used under the provisions of fair use.

2. Olbrich Botanical Gardens website
3. Wikipedia

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