Tent camper finds RV trip a delight

Brian J. Cantwell, a writer who, with his wife, normally tent camps, relates the enjoyment of camping by RV on the Pacific coast in the rainy off season in a Victoria Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia) article, Coastal trip an RV delight.  The Cantwells rented a small – 19-foot – class C motorhome and traveled the Oregon coast last spring.


Water spritzed my face, like a houseplant being misted. I stirred from my sleeping bag, stretched up in the darkness to close a vent that was letting in rain, then sank back into slumber, lulled by the drumming on our rented RV’s roof.

It was a vague memory when I awoke to sunshine streaming through the motorhome’s windows. Outside, lingering water droplets sparkled on the shore pines and pussy willows around our campsite at Beachside park, south of Waldport, Ore.

This was our second April day in a row like this on the Oregon coast: soaking rain overnight, followed by morning sunshine and blue sky.

“It’s like Camelot,” beamed my wife, Barbara, looking over a steaming coffee mug as she perched in the RV’s dinette. Usually, our camping is in a tent, and this parallel moment would have involved spreading a plastic tarp over a soggy picnic bench.

Be sure to read all of Brian J. Cantwell’s article, Coastal trip an RV delight.

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