Teardrops see increased demand

Unlike many products in today’s economy, teardrop trailers are seeing an increased demand, according to a story in Auburn, California’s Auburn Journal, Local company is smiling through Teardrop campers.  That local company, American River Sales, has moved it’s teardrop camper manufacturing site from Indiana to Auburn to cut down on shipping costs.


The economy has influenced all facets of daily life and occasionally in a good way.

Teardrop trailers, around since the 1930s, are seeing a boom in popularity.

In Auburn, American River Sales has sold American Teardrops for 10 years and recently began manufacturing them in response to increased demand, according to general manager Bud Hausman.

“We can’t build them fast enough,” he said.

The teardrop is designed for convenience.

“It can be towed behind any car, including electric cars,” Hausman said. “They’re super lightweight. They’re the RV for the next generation.”

The trailers have been increasing in popularity for the last 15 years, “with the last two years seeing the biggest growth we’ve ever seen,” he said.

Read the rest of the Auburn Journal story, Local company is smiling through Teardrop campers.

Visit the American River Sales website.

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