Teardrop “Trailer for Two”

I’ve just published a vintage 1947 Mechanix Illustrated article, “Trailer for Two,” in the articles section of Haw Creek.  It provides a description of what is clearly a teardrop camping trailer, though the word teardrop isn’t used in the article.  The article also describes how to build the trailer.  Detailed drawings were available from the publisher back when it was first published.

Teardrop trailers are small, two-person trailers, used for camping, that can be towed behind even small cars and trucks.  They provide sleeping space for two on the inside, as well as storage.  A camping galley under a rear hatch on most teardrops provides space for cooking.

Teardrops were popular for economical camping from the 1930s into the 1960s and have enjoyed an increasing resurgence since the 1990s.  Teardrop recreational vehicles are available from several manufacturers.  There are also several sources for teardrop kits and plans.

The Teardrop Trailer page will be updated in the next few days.

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