Switchback Shortcutting

Post-processing #31 |

Shortcutting trails causes erosion and can be dangerous, Trail to Brink of Lower Falls of the Yellowstone, Yellowstone National Park , Wyoming, August 5, 2010 (Pentax K10D)

Shortcutting trails causes erosion and can be dangerous, Trail to Brink of Lower Falls of the Yellowstone, Yellowstone National Park , Wyoming, August 5, 2010 (Pentax K10D)

Trail switchbacks limit the grade of the trail while gaining elevation on a steep slope. They lengthen the trail and, unfortunately, are sometimes shortcut by impatient hikers – thus damaging or destroying vegetation and increasing erosion problems that can be severe in heavily visited areas, requiring frequent maintenance.  In some instances, extensive and expensive revegetation is required and may incorporate blocking elements such as rock walls or logs to discourage shortcutting.


Post-processing – Image editing to enhance the photo closer to what the eye “saw.” Images in this series are selected within a day or so of being edited and are either posted at the time or scheduled for posting at a later date.

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