Supper & Milky Way

Photography Now & Then #34

Today’s photo: Supper (steak and fries) after a movie at Logan’s Roadhouse in Conway, Arkansas. February 3, 2018 (iPhone 6)

Today’s photo1: Supper after a movie at Logan’s Roadhouse in Conway, Arkansas. February 3, 2018 (iPhone 6)

After watching Hostiles – (In 1892, a legendary Army captain reluctantly agrees to escort a Cheyenne chief and his family through dangerous territory) – at the Cinemark theater in Conway, we drove over to Logan’s Roadhouse for supper.

Photo Favorite: Milky Way from Devil's Garden campground, Arches National park, Utah, including hill behind campsite ("painted" with high beam flashlight during long exposure) (Pentax K-r)

Photo Favorite2: Milky Way from Devil’s Garden campground, Arches National park, Utah, including hill behind campsite (“painted” with high beam flashlight during long exposure) (Pentax K-r)

Dark Sky3

The darkness of a moonless night at Arches surprises many visitors. At Arches, the naked eye is sufficient to witness a wealth of stars. Under the right conditions, common binoculars may even reveal the rings of Saturn. Arches’ relative isolation from the artificial light of urban areas makes it an ideal place for viewing the night sky. Park staff have also worked to reduce ambient light from within the park by replacing park lighting with “night-sky friendly” lights and fixtures. Arches preserves a wealth of resources. Many, like natural darkness, have become more significant as they become increasingly rare outside the park.

  1. Today’s Photo is a photo that is almost always taken the day of the blog post.  In some instances, posts may be backdated if internet access is not available on the day of the photo or other reasons prevent posting Photograph Now and Then.
  2. Photo Favorite is a randomly selected older photograph from a batch of photos specifically “curated” for Photograph Now and Then.
  3. Stargazing – National Park Service, Arches National Park, Utah

Note: Reference links were accessed on the date the blog post was published, unless otherwise stated.

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