Smoke from California


September 1, 2009 – From the slope of the terminal moraine, looking up the valley of Moraine Park in Rocky Mountain National Park.  The smoke is from fires burning in California.  The building in the foreground is the Moraine Park Visitor Center.  We were on a ranger guided walk on a short nature trail at the visitor center, which also has a few museum area inside.

Gallery: Eastern slopes – September 1, 2009

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  • Donna Jan 22, 2010 @ 19:40

    Hey Mike… Sorry I’ve been missing but I had knee surgery and haven’t been on the computer for a while. Had to read several post to catch up on your blog… Great pictures and info!!! It has been horribly cold over here in Van Buren but last week was a little better… I saw today that the cold is headed back! Hopefully I will be released from the doctor this week and we’ll be on the road again come Sunday the 31st! Have a super day my friend!!!
    Travel Safe
    .-= Donna´s last blog ..Still recouping and doing great…. =-.

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