Silverton and Animas Forks

September 8, 2009

We’ve visited Silverton several times over the years. Our first visit was 1986, arriving with the kids by a late 1800s era train. The Durango & Silverton Narrow Guage Railroad is a trip worth taking once in your life and we’ve done it twice.

3929878959_d0a3ef0dec_mOne of thing I wanted to do on this visit was to get some pictures of one of the trains as it comes out of the mountains. I had taken photos of it before, but it was with a film camera that had developed a light leak — which we didn’t find out until after the images were developed, weeks later.

We got to the spot I wanted to take the pictures from early — and, then, a light rain started. Though we had picnic supplies with us, we decided to get out of the rain and go get a burger.

While I didn’t get the shots I wanted, I did get quite a few good images of two different trains.

Another place we’ve been to several times is Animas Forks, an old ghost town several miles from Silverton on a mountain road. The further you go on the road, the worse it gets. Though we’ve gone a lot further on these roads in the past, our little SUV isn’t built to take anything much worse than the road to Animas Forks. The roads are popular for four-wheel-drive, ATV (all terrain vehicle) and dirt bike enthusiasts.


(click on any of the following photos to view a larger image.)

On the way to Silverton


Silverton RV Park
Silverton RV Park from the RR tracks
Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad
Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad


Aerial ore tram
Aerial ore tram
Aerial trams transported more than ore.
Aerial trams transported more than ore.


Animas Forks
Animas Forks


Animas Forks
Animas Forks


Animas River
Animas River
Boarding house


Boarding house
Boarding house



Commentary and images from the road

image and information from September 8, 2009

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on Exit78 and Haw Creek Out ‘n About

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