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  • Donna Oct 6, 2009 @ 19:12

    Beautiful picture Mike. We love Yellowstone and love doing the trails. That is where you really see the best scenery don’t you think?
    Have Fun & Travel Safe,
    .-= Donna´s last blog ..~~~ A Hike in the Woods & Schrooms~~~ =-.

  • Diana Oct 7, 2009 @ 23:05

    Great shot! Everytime I go to Yellowstone, I feel like I don’t spend enough time there. It really is an amazing place.
    .-= Diana´s last blog ..And We’re Off! =-.

  • Tony Oct 15, 2009 @ 12:31

    Nice photo Mike! I love the green, blue, and yellow colors of the pool. Did you do any post-processing to bring out the colors in this photo?
    .-= Tony´s last blog ..Have you thought of buying a RV camper mattress on eBay? =-.

  • Mike Oct 16, 2009 @ 13:00

    Donna – Thanks. Yes, a lot of times you get to see things on the trails you wouldn’t otherwise see.

    Diana, we had planned to spend a couple of weeks there this year, but then this employment opportunity came up. Maybe next year. We’ve been there many times. We lived within a couple of hundred miles for 4 years in the 70s and we’ve been back several times since we moved to Arkansas.

    Tony – Thanks. Yes, I always post-process my images. Sometimes it’s just a little bit and other times quite a bit.

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