437 Unimog shot at Abenteuer & Allrad 2013 – off road exhibition ground Bad Kissingen, Germany – “Europe’s largest cross-country-fair”
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Abenteuer Allrad – Adventure Four-Wheel – is an annual event in Bad Kissengen, Germany, with more than 200 exhibiters from around the world and 50,000 or more visitors. Visitors have the opportunity test various off-road vehicles, such as quads, trucks and other all-wheel-drive vehicles and view vehicles operated by professionals on special cross-country courses.
A wide array of products can be viewed at the event, including all-terrain-vehicles (ATVs), quads, SUVs, 4X4s, desert-vehicles, expedition vehicles and all wheel drive trucks. The event includes exhibits and vendors for a wide variety of products and services: cross-country, off-road, outdoor adventure, travel and rally organizers, travel, caravanning (RVs and camping), outdoor equipment, spare parts and a wide variety of accessories. Accessories to look for include winches, roll-cages, bullbars, jacks, bodylift kits, tires, rims, navigation gadgets, roof-racks, boots, apparels, and much, much more.
Image by Klaus Nahr on Flickr under provisions of a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License,