RV Shower Modification

Our new Navion IQI started working on the shower modification today and took pictures of what it looked like before I started, for post modification comparison. The original shower “door” was actually a fancy rollup, very heavy duty plastic sheet. It operated like old-fashioned rollup window shades except it was mounted vertically. That is entirely removed with only a couple of scratches. It was mounted using induxtrial strength double sticky back tape or something very like it. I still have a bit of the residue to get cleaned off. I will be installing a Recreational Vehicle Offset Shower Rod which was delivered on Saturday in the mail. I’ll have to do some fabricating to make it fit, but it will give me an additional 12 inches — plus we’ll be using a shower current that is a lot more flexible than the original heavy duty plastic rollup screen that, with the top and bottom tracks, was pretty rigid when in place. The bathroom is inside the door on the left of the picture shown here.

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  • Cath Lawson Aug 14, 2008 @ 15:52

    Hi Mike – You are always busy. Did your contract finish yet? What are your plans? Are you going to continue working on your websites and travelling, or do you intend to go back working full-time in addition?

  • Mike Goad Aug 14, 2008 @ 21:58

    Contract finishes in three weeks. We’re going to be going to Wisconsin for a few weeks and then back home. I’ll be working on web pages and blogs and we’ll be doing periodic traveling to local parks and forests for a while while we get some work done on the house.

    I do not plan to work full time. In fact, I’ll probably only take contract work if they come looking for me like they did this time — and there is a pretty good chance that they will in about 6 to 9 months. Since I’ve been there, two instructors retired and another was promoted to a position in Mississippi. Out of the class that I have been teaching two of the guys are new instructors. Another guy retires in January and two or three more in another year, so it’s likely that there’ll be more opportunities if I want them.

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