RV sales are picking up in 2010.

After the worst year in 18 years, RV sales are showing a turn around, according to a Daytona Beach News-Journal article.

RV sales revving up 

Despite the worst year for recreational vehicle sales in 18 years, industry officials are smiling on the eve of the 2010 Central Florida RV Show that starts Thursday at the Volusia County fairgrounds in DeLand.

They are seeing a turnaround from 2009.

Shipments of RVs from manufactures to retailers rose during the second half of the year, compared to 2008. And snowbird visitors to recreational vehicle parks and campgrounds are up across the Sunbelt.

"And attendance at the RV shows are up as is our walk in traffic," said Larry McNamara, chief operating officer of Giant Recreation World with sales and service facilities in Ormond Beach, Orlando and Melbourne. "(The RV industry is) seen as a rule as an economic indicator. When things are good, sales are up. But when things are bad, it’s very bad."

Read the rest of the Daytona Beach News-Journal article: RV sales revving up.

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