Random Images From Our Travels #1

Travel images from 2007 to 2011.

The photos, in the sequence that they appear:

  1. Bear Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park, September 2009
  2. Menor’s cabin and store, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, September 20, 2007
  3. Canton Lake, Oklahoma, August 29, 2009
  4. Canyonlands National Park, September 23, 2007
  5. Pronghorn, Custer State Park, South Dakota, August 22, 2007
  6. Wild burro, Custer State Park, South Dakota, August 22, 2007
  7. Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens, March, 2011
  8. Devil’s Tower National Monument, August 27, 2007
  9. Devil’s Tower National Monument, August 28, 2007
  10. Texas Interstate HighwayI40, eastbound rest west of Alenreed
  11. Devil’s Tower National Monument, August, 2007
  12. Cottonwood Tree, Lake Ogallala, Nebraska, July 8, 2010
  13. Clouds, Lake Ogallala, Nebraska, July 8, 2010
  14. Lewistown, Montana, August 30, 2007
  15. Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, September 14, 2009
  16. Nuthatch
  17. Ouray, Colorado, September 2010
  18. Rest are at Marais des Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge and Kansas Highway 52
  19. Moraine Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 2009
  20. Rocky Mountain National park, somewhere trail to Nymph Lake, Dream Lake, & Emerald Lake, 2009
  21. Pea Ridge National military Park, Northwest Arkansas, July 15, 2011
  22. Abyss Pool, West Thumb, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, September 12, 2007
  23. Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, Utah, September 24, 2007
  24. Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Visitor Center, Colorado, 2009
  25. Garvan Woodland Gardens, Hot Springs, Arkansas, April 13, 2010
  26. Entrance to Yellowstone National Park, Gardiner, Montana, September 13, 2007

Creative Commons LicenseThe music, Improvisation On Friday… by Alex, is licensed under a Attribution (3.0).

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  • Donna Jul 28, 2011 @ 9:21

    This was a beautiful slid show…. LOVED it!!!!

  • ClaireOKC Jul 29, 2011 @ 7:52

    Wow – great photos….loved your slide show. What did you use to put it together?

  • Mike Jul 30, 2011 @ 7:41

    Donna, Thanks so much.

  • Mike Jul 30, 2011 @ 7:45


    Thanks so much. I use Windows Live Movie.

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