Prosperity and Abundance

Royalty free photos by Mike1, 2 – No. 12

Prosperity and Abundance statuary group on the Wisconsin State Capitol Building, photographed during the weekly Dane County Farmers Market Saturday on the Square, Madison, Wisconsin, June 2, 2018. Photo shared as public domain on Pixabay and Flickr

Prosperity and Abundance statuary group on the Wisconsin State Capitol Building, photographed  during the weekly Dane County Farmers Market Saturday on the Square, Madison, Wisconsin, June 2, 2018

Statuary Groups Around the Wisconsin State Capitol Dome3

In the competitive drawings the architects indicated four tourelles or miniature domes at the base of the great dome, resting on the podium wall. These were later omitted, and in their place the Capitol Commission obtained, without additional cost, four beautiful groups of statuary overlooking the corner pavilions, which add materially to the pyramidical effect of the beautiful architectural composition. These symbolize fundamental characteristics of the state and its people, to which may be attributed its growth and prosperity. Each of the four groups of statuary around the dome consists of three figures—the middle or chief figure in each case being placed on a raised base and standing about twelve feet high. The two minor figures are seated and about six feet in height and supplement the idea represented by the major figure. The two minor figures are connected by an eagle with outspread wings. This device is common to each of the groups. They are cut from Bethel Vermont granite, and are especially worthy of study by the lover of the symbolic and beautiful. Wisconsin is fortunate in having these master-pieces of Karl Bitter, whose untimely death in 1915 deprived America of one of her greatest sculptors.

Wisconsin Avenue

This group represents “Prosperity and Abundance.” It is composed of female figures, the center one standing by a vase which is overflowing with rich fruits, while she is extending the right hand in an attitude of giving. Each of the other figures bears a cornucopia which is the usual symbol of plenty. Fertility of soil and climatic conditions determine largely the returns for agricultural effort and these in turn determine prosperity in general. Wisconsin is wonderfully favored in this respect. Her soil is rich and her climatic salubrious. From her many varied industries a great stream of wealth flows through the various channels into the homes of her people, enabling them to provide comfortably for themselves as well as for the maintenance and development of their government whose protection they receive.

  1. Only photos specifically identified as such are public domain or creative commons on our pages. All other images are copyright protected, creative commons or used under the provisions of fair use.
  2. Photo shared as public domain on Pixabay and Flickr as Prosperity and Abundance.
  3. The Wisconsin Capitol: Official Guide and History, C.A. Holst, 1919 – Wisconsin – 63 pages; accessed on Google Books on July 4, 2018

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