On to Wyoming

Travel Day – August 12, 2014

After a week since leaving home, we were ready to move on from South Dakota to Wyoming.  Driving west along I90, we were ready for lunch by the time we got to the Powder River Rest Area.

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We’ve stopped here at least three times in the past – and it seems as though each time has been hot!

Sure enough, this time it was, too – hot enough that we started the generator in the camper to power the air conditioner and had our lunch in the cool instead of the hot outside.

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At the end of the travel day, though, we camped in the kind of campground that we really like – South Fork Campground in Bighorn National Forest.  It’s rustic camping– no hook ups for electricity, water, or waste. You fill your water tank and dump your other tanks (shower and sink drains and sewage) before you get there.

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Rules and notices are usually posted near the entrance of campgrounds on public lands.  At this campground, we saw, for the first time this trip, a notice that was to become very familiar in the days and weeks to come.

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The campground is along the South Fork Clear Creek at an elevation of 7,800 feet in a dense lodgepole pine forest.

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Next stop – deeper into bear country.

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