On the road in rainy Tennessee

On the road in Tennessee

On the road in Tennessee

Rain, rain, rain.

It seems like it’s been raining all night long — and, being in a motorhome, it sounds like it’s raining much harder than it really is.

After a couple of days of getting ready to leave, we left home yesterday a little after 8 AM.  It was a good travel day — cool and cloudy, but no rain until after we got to the campground.

However,  it had been raining very heavily and there was some flash flooding in the area.  We saw several small streams with very fast running brown water before we got here.

We had enough time to get the camper set up before it started raining again.

One thing I really like about this small motorhome is how easy it is to set up.  Our camp site is not as level as most that we’ve camped in, though, and we ended up using almost all of our orange “lego” leveling blocks.

We had planned to stop here 2 nights.  However, the forecast for tomorrow is rain all day and we may just stay another night rather than travel in the rain and try to set up in the rain.  On the other hand, if we wait to the next day, we’ll be traveling through Nashville on a work day.

Our plans are to camp next in Great Smoky National Park for several days and then move on to Virginia Beach.

Roses at I40 rest area in Tennessee

Roses at I40 rest area in Tennessee

First stop on the first day

First stop on the first day

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