On the Brink

Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River – drops into the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.

Each photo is a composite image from 3 or more photos.

2010 08 05 a 084panoed 2010 08 05 a 015panoed 2010 08 05 a 087panoed

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  • Becky in VA Aug 7, 2010 @ 19:18

    Very impressive photos. . .what kinda of camera do you have? Do you use photoshop to stitch them.

    The bottom picture almost makes me feel the mist and hear the roar. . .

  • Mike Aug 15, 2010 @ 20:41

    Becky – Thanks.

    I have a Pentax K10D. It’s a 3 1/2 year old digital single lens reflex, kind of like the old 35mm cameras, except you don’t have to load film.

    I use the free demo of autostitch. I’ve been using it for about 5 or 6 years. It was developed by a grad students at the University of Vancouver and is now in several commercial applications.

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