Retired and on the road

In “Many seniors take to the road for retirement,” for the San Angelo, Texas, Standard-Times, LaKendra Johnson spotlights Tom and Dianne Clark, who have been traveling cross country since early June,  and talks about seniors and RVing.

The Clarks have owned their RV camper since 2004 and have their Florida home to go back to, but others sell their homes and take up a nomadic lifestyle, buying campers to travel around as they please, said David Duncan, manager of the Kampgrounds of America in San Angelo.

“It’s cheaper to live in a camper than to pay a mortgage for a house for many people. If they don’t like their neighbors, they can just up and move to a new spot or to a new campground,” Duncan said.

The recreational vehicle industry in the U.S. is a massive enterprise. According to census figures, in 1997 more than 400,000 new recreational vehicles of all types from Class A motor homes to tent trailers were sold for nearly $12 billion. In the first half of 2010, manufacturers reporting shipping 131,400 new units, according to the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association.

Duncan notes that early fall is one of the peak traveling times for seniors who own RV campers.

Read the complete article: Many seniors take to the road for retirement

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