On Rendezvous Mountain

10, 450 feet or so above sea level, temperature in the low 50s (°F), wind 15 to 20 mph, gusting to 40.

It was an easy ride up and down – $20 per person round trip.

Jackson Hole Aerial Tram at Teton Village, Wyoming

The capacity limit on the tram is 100 people.  I would not want to be riding when it’s that packed.

Jackson Hole Aerial Tram at Teton Village, Wyoming

Views from the top:

View from Rendezvous Mountain, Wyoming View from Rendezvous Mountain, Wyoming View from Rendezvous Mountain, Wyoming

After wandering around on top of the mountain for a while, we were ready for something warm to drink in Corbett’s Cabin.

View from Rendezvous Mountain, Wyoming Corbett’s Cabin on Rendezvous Mountain, Wyoming

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