New photo gallery from our May 2009 trip – Great Smoky Mountains National Park

I’ve just completed the first photo gallery from our May trip. Images in it are from  Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

I’m changing the scope of the blog.

Previously, it was “RVs, travel, hiking, camping, photography & more.”

To more accurately reflect what I want the blog to be, the tag line — and scope of the blog — has changed to “Images and Info about places — where we are, where we’ve been, and where we’d like to go.”

In keeping with the new scope of the blog, I’ll be posting random photos from all of the completed photo galleries on a regular basis.  I’ll also be working to complete new galleries, build pages for places we’ve been, and research locations for our next trip

laurel falls great smoky mountains national park

Laurel Falls,
Great Smoky Mountains national park.

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