New Photo Galleries

Arrival at Rocky Mountain National Park, August 31, 2009

Arrival at Rocky Mountain National Park, August 31, 2009

Rocky Mountain National Park - Eastern slopes - September 1, 2009

Rocky Mountain National Park - Eastern slopes - September 1, 2009

I’ve added photos from our September visit to Rocky Mountain National Park to two new photo galleries to my Haw Creek Galleries. Because of the number of photos I took on the trip, I’ll be dividing them up in to galleries by location and, under that, by date.

The first gallery is Arrival – August 31, 2009 and has ten photos.

The second is from September 1 and is primarily from the eastern slopes of Rocky Mountain National Park, with 48 photos. We wanted to take a couple of days to acclimatize at lower elevations before went up over 10,000 feet above sea level.

I’m working on the next gallery and will be posting more from other days of our September trip. I also have galleries to work on from trips in May 2009, September 2008, August and September 2007, June 2007, and January 2007, as well as older trips from before I retired.

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  • Patricia Oct 22, 2009 @ 17:32

    Oh Mike this is a spectacular way to show off pictures…I loved the red and purple flowers and see the sites…Thank you for sharing.

    I did have a difficult time getting to the comments section? Could not get back to the page?

    Great showing off Thank you
    .-= Patricia´s last blog ..Book Review: Diana Gabaldon’s OUTLANDER Series =-.

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