Nash at EBR1

Camping and Travel Daily Image No. 50
Nash 5th Wheel Camper at EBR 1 museum, 16 miles southeast of Arco, Idaho, July 24, 2010

Nash 5th Wheel Camper at EBR 1 museum, 16 miles southeast of Arco, Idaho, July 24, 2010

Camped at the KOA in Arco, I had driven out to explore the museum at the EBR1 Historic National Landmark.  Located 20 miles southeast by road from where we lived in the late 1970s and 12 miles south of where I worked back then, Experimental Breeder Reactor 1 had been decommissioned for 12 years when we first visited it in 1978. The initial power was used to power a string of lights. The next day, the unit began providing power for the whole building.

EBR1’s claim to fame is that it is the location where, on December 20, 1951, electricity was first generated from the heat produced by a sustained nuclear reaction providing steam to a turbine generator.

This Nash Fifth Wheel trailer by Northwood Manufacturing was in the EBR1 parking lot.

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