Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons and more….

Whenever we go on a trip, I take a lot of pictures.  Before I share any of the pictures, I post-process them – sort of like putting them through a digital darkroom – to remove flaws and adjust the saturation and contrast.  It takes time, but I have been able to streamline my process somewhat.

I have just completed processing the last groups of images from the first big western trip we took after I retired in 2007.  I’ve started creating videos using photos from that trip, with background music from YouTube audio swap. The first two of the series have been already posted:

The audio track is Paul Mottram’s “Sidewalk Saunter.”

four VW bugs - photoshopped from 1

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  • Donna Aug 21, 2011 @ 8:03

    Great photo slide show Mike ~ Love the west!!!
    Have a fun filled day!

  • Mike Aug 21, 2011 @ 8:49

    Thanks. Still more to come.

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