Montana Lunch Stop

Camping and Travel Daily Image No. 75
Our small Class C motorhomes (on left) and several other RVs in Bozeman, Montana, stopped for lunch, August 1, 2010

Our small Class C motorhomes (on left) and several other RVs in Bozeman, Montana, stopped for lunch, August 1, 2010

Even though it was 12 years ago, I actually remember this stop at a Walmart in Montana.

As Said in an earlier post about another Montana stop:

When we are traveling from one place to the next, we like to stop periodically just to get out, stretch, and loosen up our aching bones. Ideally, a nice rest area or city park would be a nice place for it. Unfortunately, more often than not, the more readily available stopping place would be a big box store like Walmart, Lowes, or Home Depot, where we use the restroom and take 2 or 3 laps around the outer aisles inside the store.

When it’s around lunchtime, we’ll eat before heading back out on the road, as did, in this image four other RV travelers in two other RV types: two Class A motorhomes and two travel trailers.

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