
We’ve been in Montana since Wednesday afternoon. 

We drove from west of Stanley, Idaho to a small campground just over the state line in Montana (green line), where we stayed 3 nights.  Most of that day’s travel followed the meandering path of the Salmon River.  We didn’t have reservations anywhere and planned to start checking national forest campgrounds as soon as we got into Montana.  Mays Creek Campground was the first one we came across.  It had nice spots and wasn’t busy, so we didn’t look any further.

2010 trip

Enjoying a camp fire and the sunset (picture from Karen’s blog):

Enjoying a camp fire and the sunset  in Montana

Today we traveled to just south of Livingston, Montana (red line).  We’ll be here for three nights and then we’ll be moving into Yellowstone National Park.  The park is about an hour south of us and we have at a campground on the north shore of Yellowstone Lake.

Yellowtone National Park

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  • Becky in VA Aug 2, 2010 @ 17:38

    Hi Mike,

    I’m Karen’s on-line quilting friend, Becky. I’ve been following your journey and loving everything about it. Now I’ll be enjoying it twice as much because of also reading your blog. I LOVE maps. I’m really looking forward to Yellowstone, which is high on my list of places I want to visit. Your vacation has been wonderful – thanks for sharing it.

    Have fun!

  • Mike Aug 2, 2010 @ 18:53


    Welcome. Karen is a lot faster than I am at getting things on her blog. I’ve kind of given up on staying current.

    I take a lot more pictures and I post-process almost all of them — cropping, adjusting and tweaking things like contrast and saturation like used to be done in darkrooms back when photography was done using film. When we’re not traveling, a lot of my posts are random photos from places we’ve traveled to.

    I’ll probably be posting stuff from earlier in the trip, mixed with things we’re seeing now.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

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