Merging blogs

For about as long as I’ve been posting material on Haw Creek, the blog part of it has had kind of a split personality – two blogs, one of them focused on RV related material, but not always, and the other, Out ‘n About, with posts and images related to travel, places we’ve been and, on occasion, places we might want to go.

I don’t want to lose any of that material, but I want the internet traffic to come here to the new location for Haw Creek.  All of the posts from both blogs have been imported into the Haw Creek blog.  They still exist on the other blogs, but when a visitor follows a link to the individual post, I want them to come to the post on  Fortunately, the blog theme I’m using, Thesis, includs the capability of doing a 301 redirect, which lets me transparently send the visitor to the right post instead of the post at the old blog.

Unfortunately, that means going to each blog post – all 960 of them –  to provide the correct link.  In doing so, though, I’m finding some interesting old material and get a better picture of what I have.

I’m using a site map page to keep me on track with the progress.  I’ll also be using it to track recovery of old posts from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine that were lost for some forgotten reason in the past.

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