Madison Junction to Old Faithful.

September 2007

Since we were camped near West Yellowstone, we traversed this part of the park several times.  There are a lot of thermal features here, but we didn’t make it to all of them.

Some of the more popular destinations in the park get very crowded as the day goes by, even in September when the season is starting to wind down.  One secret to getting in at those places without having to fight traffic and/or search for a parking spot is to get there early.  It seems as though a lot a folks are late risers when on vacation – or they are just taking their time.

In Yellowstone, like many other places, early morning is a good time for photos, especially on chilly mornings in areas that abound in thermal features.

Yellowstone References and Resources:

Yellowstone is one of the most popular destinations in the U.S. and there are a lot of available resources, including books and DVDs as well as internet resources.  I’ve included links to a few reliable resources below and have more on my Yellowstone page at Haw Creek.

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