Long term effects worry

"I'm worried about long-term side effects years down the road." ----Historically, side effects from vaccines show up within 6 weeks. (CDC)Phase 1 trials of vaccines began in March 2020.

The available safety data to support the EUA include an analysis of 30,351 participants enrolled in an ongoing randomized, placebo-controlled study conducted in the U.S. These participants, 15,185 of whom received the vaccine and 15,166 of whom received saline placebo, were followed for a median of more than two months after receiving the second dose.

A recent study published in Jama shows that for every 1 million Americans vaccinated against COVID-19, only 60 developed heart problems. Complications were short-lived.

Long-term complications of getting COVID-19 can be severe for the unvaccinated, including intubation and death in far too many people.

The vaccines are highly effective.  Very high percentages that “get the jab” will be protected from the virus.  However, some will get the virus.  Almost none who were vaccinated will be hospitalized or die from COVID-related conditions.

Get the Jab!

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