Lewistown, Chokecherries and “What the Hay!”

September 2007
Music: “When it Rains” by Anna Coogan and North19
track added using YouTube AudioSwap

image131While in Montana in September 2007, we had plans to stop in Lewistown to get set up with a satellite internet system.  The installer, Ron, had an extra RV spot at his home for friends, complete with hookups and invited us to stay there for a few days.  The satellite system was a new model and there were a few wrinkles in getting it set up right.

Ron was a member of an on-line RV forum I participated in.  Retired, Ron did satellite system installs for other forum members at one price no matter how long it took.

dancing_balesWhile there, we shared supper with Ron and his wife several times in their house and once at the Black Bull Saloon and Steakhouse in Hobson.  We also took in the 2007 Lewistown Chokecherry Festival and the What the Hay “hay art” contest that stretched over 21 miles in Judith Basin County between the towns of Hobson and Windham.  As, well they took us on a couple of other drives out into the Montana countryside.

“What the Hay” is now also called  the “Montana Bale Trail.”


Lewistown, Chokecherry Festival, and Montana Bale Trail information:

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