Land Rover Offroad RV Caravan

Post-processing1 #27 |

Land Rover based caravan (RV), South Lake Powell Blvd., Page Arizona, October 10, 2010 (Pentax K-3 II from 36°54'58"N 111°27'25"W)

Land Rover based caravan (RV), South Lake Powell Blvd., Page Arizona, October 10, 2015 (Pentax K-3 II from 36°54’58″N 111°27’25″W)

While we were stopped in Page at a laundromat, I took the opportunity to practice some rapid shutter, multi-frame photography by taking pictures of traffic on South Lake Powell Blvd.  Traffic was light, but, not surprisingly, there was a higher percentage of recreational vehicles than most places, including this interesting little example.

As best I can tell, based on comparison with online photographs and looking at other frames I shot of it, this is some type of Land Rover based caravan from somewhere in the European Union. There is a European Union style license plate on the front of the vehicle, but none of the images are clear enough to identify which country. It may be an older custom made expedition RV.

  1. Post-processing – Image editing to enhance the photo closer to what the eye “saw.” Images in this series are selected within a day or so of being edited and are either posted at the time or scheduled for posting at a later date.
  2. Wahweap RV & Campground – Lake Powell Resorts and Marinas

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