Just Grand!

Teton Mountains - composite image from 3 photos.

Travel Journal

On Wednesday, we traveled from Dubois, Wyoming to Grand Teton National Park.  This has been one of our favorite places since we first visited here in the spring of 1973.  It’s been one of my favorites since I visited with my sister and grandparents in 1963.  We’ll be here a week.


A Moose at Moose, Wyoming, On the bank of the Snake River Across from Park Headquarters A Moose at Moose, Wyoming
On the bank of the Snake River
Across from Park Headquarters

Pronghorn (aka Antelope)

Pronghorn (aka Antelope)

More critter pictures to come.  We saw a couple of herds of buffalo today, but didn’t stop to get any photos.  We figured that there would be plenty of bison opportunities before we head back east.

Critter Crowd on Snake River bridge at Moose, Wyoming.
Critter Crowd on Snake River bridge at Moose, Wyoming.

Large animal sightings along pubic roads invariably result in a crowd.  All of this was from someone sighting one moose.

(Each travel journal post is published on Exit78 and Haw Creek Out ‘n About .)

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