We’ve been busy – sightseeing, hiking, shopping, running to the grocery store, taking care of laundry, refilling the fresh water tank of our motor home, etc., etc.
Today we had the opportunity to take in some art at an art show in Jackson and at a museum north of town – more on the museum at some later time.
There was a lot of really neat art – and it was an art show, not an “arts and crafts show.” There were a couple of exhibits that really caught my fancy.
One of them was the steel sculptures of Craig Michael Palm, who lives with his wife and sons in Rogers, Minnesota.

Close up of the “hair” on the buffalo’s head:

A metal moose:

Another work that caught the attention of both Karen and I was a heavy wooden bed frame by R. C. Hink of Ketchum, Idaho.

There was a lot of other nice art of many different kinds, with artists from all over the country.
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