Iris & Crowd

Photography Now & Then #112

Spring is finally progressing along.  The azaleas and tulips are way past peak and most of the trees have leafed out, though some are still lagging behind. A few irises are blooming, but most of the plants don’t produce blossoms any more.

Iris blossoms; spring time in west-central Arkansas, April 23, 2018 (Pentax K-3 II)

Now: Iris blossoms; spring time in west-central Arkansas, April 23, 2018 (Pentax K-3 II)


Without a doubt, Old Faithful is the single most popular attraction in Yellowstone National Park. Peak season in the park typically ends with the start of the school year at the end of August or beginning of September.  Yet, on September 12, 2007, the Old Faithful viewing area was packed.

Crowd waiting to view Old Faithful eruption, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, September 12, 2007 (Pentax K10D)

Then: Crowd waiting to view Old Faithful eruption, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, September 12, 2007 (Pentax K10D)

Photography Now & Then Notes:

  • Series Photos
    • The Now photo is one that is almost always taken the day of the blog post.  In some instances, posts may be backdated if internet access is not available on the day of the photo or other reasons prevent posting Photography Now and Then.
    • The Then photo is usually a randomly selected older photograph from a batch of photos specifically “curated” for Photography Now and Then.
  • Each photo in this series is an “original work” – a copyright term – of Michael Goad.
  • Reference links were accessed on the date the blog post was published, unless otherwise stated.
  • The title convention for Photography Now & Then blog posts evolved early on from one word related to each photo separated by “&” to usually being the first word in the caption description for each photo.

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