Hotel Meade

Royalty free images by Mike1 – No. 53

Hotel Meade, Bannack, Montana, July 30, 2010. Image shared as public domain on Pixabay and Flickr as “Hotel Meade.”

Hotel Meade, Bannack, Montana, July 30, 2010. 

Hotel Mead2

The Meade Hotel is a Bannack landmark and one of the town’s most widely recognized buildings. Built in 1875 as the Beaverhead County Courthouse, it was an example of immense civic pride. Little expense was spared, and over the years much of its splendor—like the winding staircase, stately courtroom, and several big iron safes—has survived. Just a few years after the courthouse was built, however, the county seat was moved to Dillon, and the building was converted into a hotel.

Though no longer lodging guests, the hotel still attracts thousands of visitors each year. During special events, its old dining room rings to laughter and the clink of dishes as volunteers heap breakfast plates with biscuits, eggs, and ham.

Image shared as public domain on Pixabay and Flickr as “Hotel Meade.”

  1. Only images specifically identified as such are public domain or creative commons on our pages. All other images are copyright protected, creative commons or used under the provisions of fair use.
  2. Spirit of the WestMontana Outdoors, July–August 2003

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