Heading into Yellowstone

Tomorrow morning, we’ll be heading into Yellowstone National Park, where we will be camping for the next week.

Our route through August 4, 2010

Internet access may not be available in the campground, so posting and checking email/blogs may be sporadic.

In this instance, I can post a few pictures of what we are going to see on our way in – the following photos were taken in September, 2007.

The Roosevelt Arch at Gardiner, Montana, is at the north entrance to the park.  It cost $10,000 when it was built in 1903.  President Teddy Roosevelt laid the cornerstone.  The arch is 50 feet high, and the main opening is 25 feet wide.  At the top of the arch are these words: "For the benefit and enjoyment of the people"  – words taken from the 1872 act that created the park.

Roosevelt Arch, Gardiner, Montana, Yellowstone National Park

Just inside the park, we’ll be crossing the 45th parallel.

45th parallel, Yellowstone National Park

We may get to see some “town elk,” known to “take over” the town of Mammoth, Wyoming, during the fall mating season.

elk in Mammoth, Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park

It’s possible we may see some coyotes during our travels around the park.  We saw several when we were there in 2007 and at least 5 in Grand Teton National park last month.

coyote, Yellowstone National Park

We’ll almost certainly see some buffalo – and foolish tourists!

Way too close, buffalo, Yellowstone National Park

And some thermal features, though we may not stop tomorrow.

 thermal feature, Yellowstone National Park

And, of course, our 103 mile drive will likely be delayed by traffic jams.

Buffalo traffic jam in Hayden Valley, Yellowstone National Park

But we’ll get set up in time to do a little exploring and get some new pictures.

In the meantime, I’ll have some posts on some the places we’ve been, just in case we can’t get to the internet (or are busy doing things other than blogging 😉 )

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