Grand Prismatic Spring

Post-processing #38 |

Grand Prismatic Spring, Midway Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, August 6, 2010 (Pentax K10 D)

Grand Prismatic Spring, Midway Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming,  August 6, 2010 (Pentax K10 D)

It’s not hard to find natural wonders within Yellowstone National Park, but the park’s largest hot spring might be the most remarkable, and not just for its size: dubbed the Grand Prismatic Spring, the hot spring radiates extremely hot water—and stunning prismatic color—from its center.1


  1. The Science Behind Yellowstone’s Rainbow Hot Spring – (Accessed May 30, 2018)


Post-processing – Image editing to enhance the photo closer to what the eye “saw.” Images in this series are usually selected within a day or so of being edited and are either posted at the time or scheduled for posting at a later date.

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