Finally dry!!! and NEW pictures

After weeks of mostly wet weather, Halloween was dry — and we took a short road trip and hike.

Our first stop was at the Russellville, Arkansas, Downtown Fall Festival. Unfortunately, my camera’s white balance was set to compensate for inside lighting and I forgot to change it to auto white balance. So the composite images, even after post processing, are somewhat surreal, especially considering the holiday and all.

As always, click on any of the following to view a larger image




Our next stop was Petit Jean State Park. One of our favorite hikes is to Cedar Falls, the highest water fall in Arkansas — and the most photographed.

We figured that, with the recent wet weather, and rainfall totals way above normal, the falls should be pretty spectacular — and we were right. We’ve been taking this short, but arduous hike, periodically since 1980. We’ve never seen Cedar Creek with this much water in it.






Road trip commentary and images

November 1, 2009

This post is being simultaneously published
on Exit78 and Haw Creek Out ‘n About

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  • Diana Nov 3, 2009 @ 17:03

    Beautiful falls. Had never heard of them before, but will put it on my calendar for next spring.
    .-= Diana´s last blog ..Happy Halloween! =-.

  • Mike Nov 15, 2009 @ 11:01

    Diana – The falls were really spectacular this year, the best I’ve ever seen. In the summer and other periods of low precipitation, Cedar Falls can dwindle to a relative trickle.

    I have a page of information on the park: Petit Jean State Park

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