Exam & Controllers

Photography Now & Then #38

Today’s photo: Exam room at local clinic. February 7, 2018 (Apple iPhone 6s)

Today’s photo1: Exam room at local clinic. February 7, 2018 (Apple iPhone 6s)

Because of blood pressure issues, I am seeing my primary care doctor every six months. My next appointment was today, so, first thing this morning, I drove down to the local branch of a clinic that serves our area.

Photo Favorite: Controllers on a panel in a control room simulator, January 5, 2007 (Pentax K10D)

Photo Favorite2: Controllers on a panel in a control room simulator, January 5, 2007 (Pentax K10D)

This photo is from a small section of one of the panels in the control room simulator where I worked and taught over many years.  I retired the month after the photo was taken, but returned multiple times as a contractor instructor, much of my time spent in the simulator.  My final day as an instructor was just before Christmas 2017, a full work day – in the simulator.

  1. Today’s Photo is a photo that is almost always taken the day of the blog post.  In some instances, posts may be backdated if internet access is not available on the day of the photo or other reasons prevent posting Photograph Now and Then.
  2. Photo Favorite is a randomly selected older photograph from a batch of photos specifically “curated” for Photograph Now and Then.

Note: Reference links were accessed on the date the blog post was published, unless otherwise stated.

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