Mt. Borah lifted by a quake

photos – July 25, 2010

Mount Rorah and the Lost River Range image

Located in the central section of the Lost River Range, Borah Peak (aka Mt. Borah) is the highest mountain in Idaho.

On Friday, October 28, 1983, a magnitude 6.9 earthquake centered near the base of the mountain lifted Borah Peak about a foot, while the Lost River Valley floor dropped up to 7.5 feet in places.  It also resulted in a 20-mile scarp along the base of the Lost River Range and sand boils near Chilly Butte and the Lost River and Pahsimeroi valleys.  Two elementary school students were killed in Challis.

Mount Rorah and the Lost River Range Mout Borah earthquake scarp

The scarp – highlighted in blue – resulting from the quake can still be seen 27 years later. The red line highlights a dirt “road.”  The above image was cropped from the photo below.

Mout Borah earthquake scarp

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