Blogging from the road can be a hassle

2009 09 06 125ed (Custom)

I will be quite busy for the next few days so posting of material from our Colorado trip will be delayed.

Most of my posts have been delayed, partially as a result of not being in a location with wifi or, when we do have wifi, having difficulties with it. I will continue to post material from our trip to Colorado. The posts will be in sequence and will have a date appropriate for the activities and photos being described and/or used.

We used to use a portable satellite dish for internet access. It could be a real pain to set up, but, when it was up, it was only a little slower than our DSL at home.

When we went to a smaller recreational vehicle, our storage options became much more limited. On our first long trip, we took along the portable system, but I forgot the alignment instructions. We still had to deal with the dish when we moved stuff around and it took up a significant portion of our storage space. When we went on our trip in May, we left the dish at home and decided to rely on wireless whenever it was available.

Unfortunately, the wireless circuits in Karen’s computer stopped working. We’ve tried two different USB wireless adapters for her computer. The results have varied from campground to campground and wireless location to wireless location.

Some of the places we’ve stopped at have had a great wireless connection. The KOA in Ouray, Colorado, however, is terrible for wireless. It would run just fine and, then, it would seem to stop completely or just plain crawl very slowly. I guess it has some kind of limiter that limits traffic if too much bandwidth has been used. However, in today’s internet world, where most websites are going to have a combination of pictures and text, that is just NOT satisfactory.

It was certainly more enjoyable when we were in the National Parks or Corps of Engineers parks where there was NO wireless available at all.

I will be replying to most of the comments when I get a chance, especially those who have asked questions.

The bad part of this trip, though, was looking forward to going back to work at the end.

Note: While I will not be posting material from the Colorado trip for a few days, other pre-published material will be posted.

This post is being simultaneously published on Exit78 and Haw Creek Out ‘n About.

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