Bartzella Itoh Peony

Royalty free photos by Mike1 – No. 15

Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison, Wisconsin, June 2, 2018. Photo shared as public domain on Pixabay and Flickr as “Bartzella Itoh Peony.”

Olbrich Botanical Gardens, Madison, Wisconsin, June 2, 2018

Paeonia Itoh ‘Bartzella’2

‘Bartzella’ is an intersectional or Itoh hybrid, a very special class of Peonies with parentage from both Tree and Herbaceous species. Blooming in between the Tree Peonies and their Herbaceous cousins, ‘Bartzella’ offers a range of superior traits: shrubby habit, fragrance, luscious bloom color and larger bloom size, excellent resistance to Peony Blight, tolerance of heat, humidity, cold, and poor soil, and extended bloom season.

This plant reaches about 3 feet high and wide in sun or light shade. It is untroubled by rabbits or deer, and is quite long-lived, blooming dependably for decades. Peonies are very slow to propagate (hence their high price) but are quite low maintenance once planted in the garden. They flower in late spring or early summer, and often need plant supports to hold up their bounty of huge blooms. Although most frequently used as a cutflower, they are a delightful garden presence as well, the flowers holding for weeks.

Photo shared as public domain on Pixabay and Flickr as “Bartzella Itoh Peony.”

  1. Only photos specifically identified as such are public domain or creative commons on our pages. All other images are copyright protected, creative commons or used under the provisions of fair use.
  2. Wayside Gardens; page accessed 7/7/2018

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